Duelingpets Release Candidate 1 [Started]


25 and UP! VPL Member
Apr 15, 2020
After finishing up my last Duelingpets Iteration 4 coding, I am now able to finally start on the release candidate phase of my website. I am going to be looking into solving the current bugs that my website has, as well as making the website look a bit nicer. This version will most likely not add any new features to the website at this point in time. Once I feel that RC 1 is developed enough, I will release the site for open beta testing which will be up for 1 to 2 months or potentially longer. I can't move on releasing Duelingpets 1.0 version until everything has been tested and works. If you guys have any ideas for features for Duelingpets 1.1 version I am open to listening to your suggestions, as I do have a suggestion box available. Below is the list of the current features for Duelingpets 1.0.



  • Monster: Allows the user to create various monsters that other users may battle. Monsters may be either a Mon or a Boss based on their monster type, and like creatures they have a variety of different stats that can be set. Monsters in general are the only source of dreyore materials, a necessary ingredient in the construction of items and creatures. Monsters have a property called mischief which applies a condition of some kind to the player or pet. Monsters require a combination of points and emeralds to create them.
  • Monsterbattle: Allows the player's partner to fight a monster and depending on if they win, they might get a variety of different loot.
  • Fight: Keeps tracks of loss, wins and draws of pet battles for the specific pet.

  • Creature: Allows the user to create various creatures that other users may adopt. The price is dependent on the level and if the user wants to make it purchaseable with emeralds. Creatures can have limited or unlimited lives at the flick of a button. Creatures need to be reviewed first before they are available for others to purchase. Creature type determines wether the creature being created is a pet or a Zethian, as well as the base cost of the creature. Creatures require points and dreyterrium to create them.

  • Partner: Are creatures that the user adopted be they Zethians or Pets. Partners don't like engaging in battle as it is not a lot of fun for them. They don't like fighting all that much so their fun values decrease depending on the monster's level. A pet's strength determines the item the pet can equip and with each item it decreases the pet's strength to boost other stats. Pets that are in battle can't be healed or fed and have a limited set of lives based on the creature lives. Also when a pet wins battles they can level up and increase their stats. Activepet determines which pet is currently following the player.

  • Item: Allows the user to create various items that can be used to either heal the pet, feed it, play with it, or provide armor protection. Items require points and dreyores to create them, but user can then sell them for points and potentially emeralds. All items have a durability and once used up they disappear from the inventory. Items must reviewed first before they can be available to the public. Itemtypes determine the type of item the user is using or equiping. Also they set the base price for the item.

  • Equip: Stores the items that are currently equipped to the partner. Capacity determines how many equipslots the partner can carry, currently this is set to three. Equipslots show the items that are equipped to the partner and supports up to 8 items. Unlike inventoryslot there is no quantity attributes. Starting durability displays the amount of uses the item initially starts off with and current durability displays the amount of uses left for that particular item. In order for an item to be equipped the amount of strength that the item requires must be less than or equal to the pet's current strength.

  • Element: Allows pets and monsters to have specific strengths and weakness to certain elements. For example fire is weak to water, and water is weak to grass, and grass is weak to fire. These elements are user generated and as such, adds a new dynamic to the way pet battles are now handled compared to the original version of the website.


  • Channel: Allows users to be able to store their various videos on the website. To set one up the user needs to buy the channel upgrade first. After that they will need to pay in points to create a channel. In addition to this the user can setup some music to give the channel a bit of flavor. Channel content can be restricted to various bookgroups depending on the content that it contains.

  • Mainplaylist: Is a folder that the user uses to showcase a single video from their channel. In order for them to display the video, the movie itself must be reviewed first.

  • Subplaylist: Allows additional seperation of the mainplaylist content, this can be as simple as rps, movies, or crafting subplaylists. Suplaylists have a special trait in that they can be changed into either a favorite folder or movie folder depending on the click of a button. Subplaylists can be turned into collaboration centers that allow multiple people to submit movies to this one suplaylist. Subplaylists allow additional bookgroup restrictions if needed.

  • Movie: Are movies that the user decided to upload to the website. Unlike the channel, mainplaylist, and subsheet, movies must be first approved by the Duelingpets staff in order for it to show up to others on the site. Movie allows the user to generate points and is dependent on the price of the day that is set by the dragonhoard.


  • Jukebox: Allows users to be able to store their various music on the website. To set one up the user needs to buy the jukebox upgrade first. After that they will need to pay in points to create a jukebox. In additon to this the user can setup some music to give the jukebox a bit of flavor. Jukebox content can be restricted to various bookgroups depending on the content that it contains.

  • Mainsheet: Is a folder that the user uses to showcase a single song from their jukebox. In order for them to display the music, the sound itself must be reviewed first.

  • Subsheet: Allows additional seperation of the mainsheet content, this can be as simple as 8bit, 16bit, or 64bit subsheets. Subsheets have a special trait in that they can be changed into either a favorite folder or sound folder depending on the click of a button. Subsheets can be turned into collaboration centers that allow multiple people to submit sound to this one subsheet. Subsheets allow additional bookgroup restrictions if needed.

  • Sound: Are sounds that the user decided to upload to the website, these could be voices or background music. Unlike the jukebox, mainsheet, and subsheet, sounds must be first approved by the Duelingpets staff in order for it to show up to others on the site. Sound allows the user to generate points and is dependent on the price of the day that is set by the dragonhoard.


  • Gallery: Allows users to be able to store their various artwork on the website. To set one up the user needs to buy the gallery upgrade first. After that they will need to pay in points to create a gallery. In addition to this the user can setup some music to give the gallery a bit of flavor. Gallery content can be restricted to various bookgroups depending on the content that it contains.

  • Mainfolder: Is a folder that the user uses to showcase a single image from their gallery. In order for them to display the image, the artwork itself must be reviewed first.

  • Subfolder: Allows additional seperation of the mainfolder content, this can be as simple as dog, cats, and sheep subfolders. Subfolders have a special trait in that they can be changed into either a favorite folder, or artwork folder depending on the click of a button. Subfolders can be turned into collaboration centers that allow multiple people to submit artwork to this one subfolder. Subfolders allow additional bookgroup restrictions if needed.

  • Art: Are artworks that the user decided to upload to the website, these may at times contain music to help play out a scene. Unlike the gallery, mainfolder, and subfolder, artwork must be first approved by the Duelingpets staff in order for it to show up to others on the site. Artwork allows the user to generate points and is dependent on the price of the day that is set by the dragonhoard.


  • Bookworld: Allows users to be able to store their various stories on the website. Bookworlds sets up the story universe that the author has created. In addition to this the user can open up the bookworld to others and allow other users to create books of their own in this universe. The user may also choose to setup a price for books that the others might create here.

  • Book: Is a story that may contain multiple chapters that the player created for a certain universe. The user may choose to open up this book for collaboration with many other people to submit chapters. Book content can be restricted to various bookgroups depending on the content that it contains. Some example of books could be like superman, flash gordon, or pokemon. In order to create one the user needs to buy the book upgrade first. After that they will need to pay points to the bookworld owner to create a book there.

  • General chapters: Are generic chapters that are numbered 1 to n that are used as a template for a chapter. These get increased each time the limit of a book exceeds the amount of generic chapters that are available.

  • Chapter: Are chapters that the user decided to upload to the website, these may at times contain a bookcover, character voices, background music, or artwork of a character for a particular scene. Unlike the bookworld, book, and gchapters, chapter must be first approved by the Duelingpets staff in order for it to show up to others on the site. Chapters allows the user to generate points and is dependent on the price of the day.


  • Tag: Allows the user to create a variety of tags that they can then apply to their ocs, arts, sounds, movies and chapters. In a future update this might make it easier to search for a specific oc, or other content based on the tag alone.

  • Original Character(OC): Allows the user to create their very own characters that they can use in stories, videos, audio adventures, rps, and many more. An oc may contain an image, music, or even a voice to make their characters come alive. OCs need to be reviewed first by the Duelingpets team before they show up to the public. OCs provide the user with points dependent on the price set by the dragonhoard. This is one of the few features that is available at start that doesn't need to be bought, though its quantity is kind of limited.

  • Colorscheme: Allows the user to stylized the colors of the website to whatever colors they wish. The nightcolor option allows the player to choose whether this colorscheme is for daytime or nighttime use. Activated allows the user to activate the color they created but caution should be taken to ensure that the colorscheme is tested first to ensure that all the buttons are not hidden otherwise they might get stuck in a situation they can't get out of. Colorschemes don't require any review or purchasing to use them. Colorschemes provide the user with points dependent on the price set by the dragonhoard.

  • Gviewer: Provides a way to adjust the type of users who can view galleries, jukeboxes, books, and channels. Valid parameters are any, both, watchers, friends, or self. Depending on the value chosen, only those specific users are allowed access to the content.


  • Blog: Allows the user to provide a bit of news or thoughts of what they are thinking at the moment. These could also be used to let users know about pending point commissions that might begin to take place. Mascots are available to the user for free if the user chooses to use them, these are kind of like free advertisements. Banners, largeimages, smallimages, and music can be purchased but transform a blog into an advertisement section. Blogs need to be reviewed first by the Duelingpets staff before they show up to others on the site. Depending on what the user chooses this is one of the few features that can be either a point source or a sink. Blogtypes set the type of blog that the user chooses at the moment. The blog upgrade needs to be bought first before one can create a blog.

  • Blogreply: Allows users to write comments on another user's blog. Unlike shouts and pms which take points away from the user, this is the only one that awards points to the blog owner. Like shouts, blogreplies must be reviewed before other logged in users can view the message that the reply was sent from. Blogreplies are not displayed to guests for users privacy.

  • Shoutbox: Allows the user to store shouts on their profile with a limited quantity of 600 posts. The shoutbox can be activated or deactivated. When the shoutbox is turned on any user can post on the user's profile directly. When it is deactivated no one can post on the user's profile. Shouts are messages that are sent to the user's profile and must be reviewed by the user first in order for them to show up on the user's profile. Shouts are not displayed to guests for users privacy. Shouts take points out of the economy.

  • PMbox: Allows the user to store private messages from other users with a limited quantity of 8000 pms. The pmbox can activated or deactivated based on the user's preference. When it is turned on the user can receive pms from other users and when it is turned off user's won't be able to send them messages. PMs are messages that sent or received between different users and only those in the chain can view that particular pm. PMs may contain music, video or even an image sent with their pm. PMs also keep track of if any pm is currently unread. PMreplies allow the user to reply to a specific pm and send the reply back and forth with the original pm owner. Like the pm, the pmreply can contain music, video or even an image sent with their pmreply.

  • Donationbox: Allows the user to store donations from other users, these can be from point commissions or from users who enjoy other peoples artwork. Donationboxes have a goal and progress limit for keeping track of points. The goal is an amount of points that the user needs to reach before they can safely withdraw the points from their donationbox. The progress bar keeps track of how many points have been received by the system in relation to the goal. There is a maximum capacity of 2 Million points that can be safely stored here. While you could set your goal to this number, it is not recommended as that might take a long while to reach. There are safety valves built into the system to ensure that points are not forever stuck in a donationbox. The user may choose to refund all the points that are currently stored in the donationbox and start over or the admin of the site can do so as well. When the user retrieves the points from their donationbox they are charged a small fee to pull the points out, which is based off the points that have been accumulated. The donationbox can be turned on or off depending on whether the user wishes to use this feature or not.

  • Donor: Are players who contribute a set amount of points to an user's donationbox. There is a maximum cap of 50000 points to ensure that one user doesn't monopolize the entire point limit that is set on the donationbox. The pointsreceived attribute is set once the points are safely pulled out of the donationbox, this is to ensure that the donations have been accounted for.

  • Referral: Allows players to refer other the users to the site by means of giving out their vname on a link. When the new user signs up for the site the player who referred them will receive points for doing so based on the points set up by the dragonhoard.

User information

  • Registration: Allows the user to fill out their information in order to sign up for an account. The account itself can be shared if the player chooses to do so, by marking the shared checkmark. Registrations are looked over by the Duelingpets staff to ensure that this account is not a bot and must undergo manual approval before being converted to a user account. Two parts to keep in mind when registering for the site is that of your login name and virtual name. Your login name is private information that you use to login into your user account and only for that purpose. Anyone who potentially has this along with your password could take over your account and as such it is very important you keep that information to yourself. Your virtual name is how other users identify you on the site and such is okay to give out since it is public info. A regtoken allows a user to register for an account if they are underage and parental consent has been received.

  • User: Allows the player to explore the website as a whole through login. Players can reset their accounts if they have lost their password in two ways, the normal method requires the player to know just their virtual and login name which is a combination of a private and public information which then is sent to their registered email account. The other way is an alternate method that require a virtual and login name plus an email address. This way should only be used in case of emergencies where the user can't access their original email account and not on a daily basis. Also login ids can retrieved if the user has a valid email address. Userinfo contains the player's avatar, music, nightvision, and time preferences. The user can use this feature to set the website style that they view website through. Bookgroups determines what content the user can view, this ranges from kid friendly content via Peter the Rabbit to more restricted content in Lotr. Users have two bookgroups one for reading and one for writing. The Reading bookgroup determines what you can see and is always less than or equal to your Writing bookgroup setting. The Writing bookgroup setting always goes up overtime and never goes down, this allows you to set bookgroup fields on content while it is being created.

  • Pouch: Keeps track of the user's session and the amount of points, emeralds, and dreyore that the user is carrying. Pouchtypes is used to identify the various types of items that can be upgraded. Pouchslots expands the pouch to accomodate fields such as galleries, blogs, channels, and others. Each slot is setup with free and member levels that determines how much of that particular item one can carry. Any fields that are available for future expansion are set to none. Pouchslots allows the pouch to expand infinitely without having to recode the pouch each time a new feature gets added. Pouchslots currently can support up to 42 attributes which might be changed over time.

  • Inventory: Stores the items that the user carries with them through the use of inventoryslots. Capacity determines how many inventoryslots the inventory can contain, currently this is setup to 60. Petcapacity determines how many partners the user can carry with him, this is currently setup to a max of 80. Inventoryslots stores the items that the user purchased and is limited to a total of 14 per slot. Starting durability displays the amount of uses the item initially starts off with and current durability displays the amount of uses left for that particular item. Quantity shows the amount of items left in a particular itemslot and once the last item is used up the itemslot gets set to nil.

  • Itemaction: Determines what the user wants to do with the item that they are applying to the pet. Possible choices are Discard, Equip, Feed, Drink, and Play. Additional actions might be added later. Discard sends the item to the junk dealer to look over and he will offer the player some points in exchange for the item itself. The Equip option is only offered on items that can be attached to the pet itself. The Feed option only works for items like bread that the pet can eat to restore their hunger. The Drink option only works for items like milk that the pet can drink to restore their thirst. The Play option is meant for toys like yoyos that they can use to increase their fun value.

  • Gameinfo: Users can choose whether they want to start with lives turned on or off. When lives are turned off they can't purchase lives and only have one life to go through the game with and once they die they must start from the very beginning. If the have lives turned on they then may have more then one life to go by and can be revived. Aging determines whether the player has a set time limit that their character can last for before they die. Once the player is happy with their setting they can activate their gameinfo and once activated it can't be unset till the player dies or completes the game. Depending on how things turn out the player might succeed or fail and that will be reflected on their character. Currently this setting still needs to go under more development and as such doesn't do anything at this point.

  • Difficulty: Determines how hard the game will be for the player, by adjusting the point debt, point loan, emerald debt, and emerald loan attributes. The Hatchling Difficulty is the easiest setting and starts the player off with zero points. The Mothling Difficulty is a bit more challing and starts the player off with -600 points to their name. Additional difficulty settings will be added in later. By default the player starts with 0 points to their name and must build from the ground up.

  • Userupgrade: Allows the user to purchase new features that can help enhance their player. The base attribute determines the amount of a particular item a player can actually carry with them. An example of this could be for the player's pouch, by default they can hold up to 5000 point total but can be upgraded overtime. Baseinc determines the amount a particular item may increase by when purchased. Price determines how much a particular upgrade costs per level. The free and member cap determine the maximum amount that the player can hold of a particular attribute.

  • Faq: Provides an important help file for users to consult for a variety of different features on the website. An example of this would be creating a working gallery. It uses a combination of prereqs and steps fields to provide information on how to build one from the ground up.

  • Suggestion: Allows users to suggest important new features to the website or be used to report out new bugs that the users have discovered while navigating the website.
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Reactions: Claws and cpvr
How’s duelingpet’s economy going to work? Are you planning to have a rarity system for the main shops and a shop’s restock time? Also, will there be any quests that users can do?
How’s duelingpet’s economy going to work? Are you planning to have a rarity system for the main shops and a shop’s restock time? Also, will there be any quests that users can do?
Duelingpets economy is going to be slightly different than most other pet sites. For instance the Central Bank known as the Dragon Hoard or Hoard for short doesn't create items, pets, emeralds, and dreyore out of thin air. Instead it is kind of reliant on users using services to fund its operation, this includes player upgrades, private messages, shouts, pet purchases, item purchases, emerald purchases, and point transfers to name a few. Everything that the Hoard creates or purchases burns through both points and emeralds that it has available. Once it runs out of points or emeralds it will be unable to restock items, pets, dreyore, and emeralds. The Hoard can adjust different features by raising or lowering them for a certain amount of points. The warehouse does the same thing except it does this for pets and items.

The Warehouse is the only shop that Duelingpets has at this time, and as such is the only place for users to get pets and items. Each item comes with a durability flag and a rarity flag, the durability flag determines how many times an item can be used before it disappears. The restocking method is a manual operation which means I have to log on to the Dragonhoard account and purchase everything that the warehouse needs as well as the Hoard to ensure that that all features are stocked with enough stuff to see the users through a lot of purchases. Creatures and Monsters also come with a rarity score as well.

Dreyore is a special of ore that is necessary for creating pets and items, or used as funding source to help the player afford things. At this time I don't have a quest page for npcs to trade things for specific items. So instead I have galleries, channels, stories, jukeboxes, ocs, and blogs as replacements to quests. Content created in those sections will give the user points that they can use to help feed their pet or buy more pets. Emergency Funding Sources will be a one time only use option which results in the deletion of all the content that is contained within the gallery, channels, stories, or jukeboxes that the user owns. A small amount of the points get returned to the user and a fraction of the points that are lost goes to the Dragon Hoard.