Marapets introduces a new Royal Account Upgrade Set


Staff member
Marapets has introduced a new Royal Account Upgrade Set, which includes 8 new Royal themed items from the Royal Costume, a Ball of Royal Yarn and either a Royal Enchanted Plushie or a Royal Potion.

The new Royal Account upgrade set will be available until March 13. There’s a 1 and 3 chance that you will receive a limited edition Sindiinstead of Addow, Azul, Bolimo, Crindol, Doyle, Equilor, Feliz, Flab, Ideus, Jessup, Knutt, Leido, Murfin, Walee, Xoi, Yakubi or Zetlian.

Sindi Royal: Marapets

Also, if you have a Royal Pet, you’re now able to receive free training at the gym and elite gym along with free lessons at the school & university until February 20th.
Royal account upgrade Set

The following pets are now available in their Royal costume:
Addow Royal

Azul Royal
Basil Royal
Bolimo Royal
Chiba royal

Crickey Royal
Crindol royal
Dakota royal
Decadal royal
Doyle Royal

Echlin royal

Equlior royal
Ecruw royal

Feliz royal
Flab royal
Grint royal
Indeus royal
Jessup royal

Justin royal
Knutt royal

Kujo royal

Leido royal

Limax royal

Mordo royal

Paffuto royal

Reesse royal

Renat royal

Tantua royal

Troit royal

Walee royal

Wallop royal

Xoi royal

Yakubi royal pet

Zetlian royal pet

The following Minipets can now wear the ball of Royal Yarn: Bog, Champion, Doomed, Dracone, Jokemo and Twenny.

Royal Bog Minipet
Royal champion
Royal doomed

Royal dracone
Royal jokemo
Royal tweeny

Source: MaraPets - News

What are your thoughts on Marapets’ newest account upgrade set? Is there any particular Royal pet or minipet that you’d like to obtain from another user, either from trades or the auction house?


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