Palworld trailer and discussion


Staff member
Palworld is a new game that has recently been released on steam and some gaming consoles.

Steam link:
Xbox link: Buy Palworld (Game Preview) | Xbox

It has drawn comparsions to nintendo’s pokemon by having similar features.
You can capture a new pal by throwing a sphere at them and you can also capture humans(npcs).

This video shows you how you can catch a pal.

Here’s another video that your shows you how to capture a human(npc).

This video below shows you how to capture all the tower boss locations.

What are your thoughts on Palworld? Do you play it or know anyone that does?
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It's amazing how much this game has taken the world by storm and I'm sure Nintendo is grinding their teeth in rage from it all. I hope it keeps doing well to push Pokemon to be better.

I'm still fascinated my Palword, but I still haven't tried it. I hope I get to play before Nintendo shuts it down, you know they're trying too.

I'll always be a fan of Pokemon. I grew up playing Pokemon.
This game actually looks crazy. I wish I could play it on console. I almost to get a controller for my laptop just to play it.

I can't believe you can capture humans.
I was shocked when I saw that they had this feature. I don’t remember seeing any game in the past having a feature like this.

Apparently if you have fire pals, your base can also catch fire & you can possibly lose it.

@Demon_skeith I wonder if Nintendo will add some different features to compete with palworld on the next pokemon games since they missed the mark suing palworld. There’s no telling how many players will join Palworld by the end of the year.

Two more Pali’s were recently released. The Lunaris and Helzephyr are now available on Palworld!

This game does look interesting and it has for sure become super popular. I know it is available on Xbox Game Pass so that will be where I will be checking it out from when I have some time.
@Demon_skeith I wonder if Nintendo will add some different features to compete with palworld on the next pokemon games since they missed the mark suing palworld. There’s no telling how many players will join Palworld by the end of the year.

Two more Pali’s were recently released. The Lunaris and Helzephyr are now available on Palworld!

I doubt Gamefreak (the actual makers of Pokemon), would stoop to include anything from Palworld in actual Pokemon games.
I love Palworld! I've been playing it for a bit now, I'm only at level 25 though. I love Pokemon more still though, but it's nice to play a different monster collecting game. It's nothing really like Pokemon other than the fact that you catch Pals using spheres, it's a survival game at it's core so it's more like ARK. This is the first survival game other than Minecraft that caught my attention.
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The Palworld's open-world exploration and its customization options surpass many other pet games. But the game's graphics and storyline need improvement.