Subeta re-enables advertisements


Staff member
Feb 7, 2020
Subeta has re-enabled advertisements on their game, however, if you’re a gold account user you will not see advertisements. Subeta is currently using Google adsense as their ad network.

We’ve re-enabled ads around the site.

As much as we’d love to avoid it, keeping Subeta running does have its costs. Ads are one of the simplest ways to help cover those expenses. We’ve had an on-again, off-again relationship with ads in the past, and while I’m not the biggest fan of targeted advertising, it’s a necessity to keep things going! The alternative would be to raise prices or increase Cash Shop (CS) releases, but we’d really prefer to keep as much content on Subeta free for everyone.

If you happen to come across any inappropriate ads, please don’t hesitate to submit a report through a ticket, and include a screenshot of the ad.

As always, you have the option to get a Gold Account, which blocks all external ads. And if you use an ad blocker, we get it and still appreciate your support! 💖


In related Subeta news, they’ve also blocked AI bots from crawling their content!

We've just pushed out an update to the site that prevents AI "bots" from crawling Subeta, and using the work we've all all done to train it's models.

This blocks any bots from Microsoft, OpenAI and others from crawling Subeta, and using anything it finds to train it's data. I've finished the process of opting out and outright blocking where we can't opt out.

If you experience any slowness or pages not loading (you'd get a "not allowed" error), please make a ticket.

Ads are indeed a necessary evil. But I found Google AdSense very relevant because of their non-intrusive ads.