Umbra - 3D pets - Interest check?


New VPL Member
Hi all,

So my project is in the very early prototype stage but I just found this community and so I want to run the idea by you all.
I want to make a browser based full 3D pet sim game, because I haven't seen a lot of those out there and I think I can have a lot of fun with the idea.

Here's an example of a pet, and you can try out the demo generator here: Umbra prototype
Cool stuff 3d pets can do:
-Endless poses?
-Your pet can actually run around in the minigames
-Stuff like being able to open their mouth and actually eat food
-Adding explorable 3D worlds later would be a stretch goal
Downsides of 3d pets:
-Several, but if you want 2d pets there are so many sites to choose from already! ^^

Nothing is done yet! I plan to improve pretty much everything you see, but is this a project anyone would be interested in? The gameplay would be inspired by classic pet sites ie collecting, minigames, socializing and the world lore would be solarpunk/hopepunk inspired.

Currently there is no discord or anything, it's just me making a prototype. I will be posting about development here: Umbra Tumbra (tumblr)

Please do reply if you have an interest in playing something like this, or if you have any questions about the current prototype! Or if you just wanna be friends 😀
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This looks like a really cool idea and I love the pet designs can't wait to see what else you have in store. I agree I haven't really seen anything like this on the market before and I think it'll be well received.
So a small update;
I am making this! I've got a site and domain up and a friend to help with the backend. Development is going pretty slowly but I'm keeping my spirits up 🙂

Thank you both for your positive responses!
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