Were you verbally abused as a kid?

Abuse comes in different ways, and one of it is verbal abuse. Growing up, some people experienced a high level of verbal abuse from their parents or guardians, and that really made them suffer some relapses until today. What was your experience with verbal abuse when growing up?
As a kid, no.

As an adult, yes, very much so (military). However, the verbal abuse always had a lesson attached to it; it wasn't abuse as it enforced a lesson. The military is moving away from this type of training, but I found it very effective to not forget. Afterall, lives are at stake when you make a mistake, so I'd rather have that lesson imprinted for the career of that person over them forgetting because they weren't "abused" and got someone killed.
Verbal abuse is very damaging especially if you experience constant criticism from your parents. It will definitely lead to self-doubt and low confidence.
Verbal abuse is very damaging especially if you experience constant criticism from your parents. It will definitely lead to self-doubt and low confidence.
I don't necessarily think that's true if it's done constructively. If the parent is merely doing it for their enjoyment, or abusing the kid outright, then it serves no purpose.
I didn't experience verbal abuse personally, but I understand its lasting impact. Many suffer from low self-esteem, anxiety, and even relationship difficulties due to childhood verbal abuse.

You said it well. There are a lot of people who are suffering from low self-esteem as a result of how they were verbally abused as kids, and that is a big issue as long as I am concerned. This is because it will take them a longer period or time to feel alright again.
You said it well. There are a lot of people who are suffering from low self-esteem as a result of how they were verbally abused as kids, and that is a big issue as long as I am concerned. This is because it will take them a longer period or time to feel alright again.
It's indeed a very issue if not addressed promptly. I tell you, it's something that has destroyed many people's lives. Counselling and seeking help is the appropriate way to address it .
I think we also have to clearly define what "verbal abuse" is when talking about it too.

Today, just yelling at a kid can be considered verbal abuse and get you a visit by CPS today, while years ago, verbal abuse was putting them down, making fun of them, etc.

Verbal abuse by yelling can be constructive and is very effective in getting immediate attention and corrective behavior if used correctly.