What pet sites are the most popular?


Staff member
Over the past few years, we’ve seen the rise of various pet sites ranging from: Flight rising, Marapets, subeta, and Moshi Monsters.

However, what pet sites do you think are currently the most popular and have been growing at a steady rate?
For me, Marapets is the most popular pet site. This site has a very dedicated fan base and a wide variety of pets too.
I think Neopets and Marapets are the most popular virtual pet sites right now. Subeta is in third?
Neopets is still the most popular, but Flight Rising has the second-highest daily activity. Currently, there are 1,529 users and 4,463 guests visiting Flight Rising.

Marapets has 664 users online, with 4,756 players active in the past 24 hours, while Subeta has 345 players online.

Lioden currently has 2,723 players online.