Recent content by jakdacrowe

  1. jakdacrowe

    oh heck y'all still alive?

    I did linger around Icepets at some point, but not longer than a week. Currently, no! Just lingering and stuff- Might be fun to do that again though.
  2. jakdacrowe

    Oldest accounts on virtual pet sites?

    lol Subeta clocking 19 years- I remembered when Keith accidentally nuked the site and had everyone re-register. Flight Rising clocking in at about 10 years. Other than that, I doubt any other site that I used to be on are still around. x_x
  3. jakdacrowe

    oh heck y'all still alive?

    @cpvr I'm aight! New job, still doing art, albeit sparsely. And still on the hunt for new petsites to stumble into lol I thought I'd check VPL to see if the site's back, so it's really nice to see you again lol
  4. jakdacrowe

    oh heck y'all still alive?

    lol Mind my surprise, but it's nice to see you guys around again! I'm Jak and a former petsite artist! Howsa you guys lately?
  5. jakdacrowe

    omg yall alive

    AJFHFHJSJS look i have you and your partner added on disco and idk which is which and at this point i'm so darn afraid to ask
  6. jakdacrowe

    omg yall alive

    đź‘€ oh man it'sa youuuuu
  7. jakdacrowe

    What pet sites do you miss that are no longer online?

    Pretty sure it was!
  8. jakdacrowe

    What pet sites do you miss that are no longer online?

    Polairia for me. Probably unheard of at this point, which I can't blame you guys lol Made a number of good friends! If I remember correctly, the site's owner just MIA'd and eventually it just broke apart.
  9. jakdacrowe

    How often do you charge your smartphone?

    At the moment, only Twitter. But I do plenty of reading on my phone, using it like a Kindle and whatnot.
  10. jakdacrowe

    Show off what you’re working on

    Thank you! ahhhhhh
  11. jakdacrowe


    Well uh, it's at 26k cases now. The numbers of new cases are in the hundreds, which isn't great. But a surprising 21 total deaths so far, with 4.8k recovered cases.
  12. jakdacrowe

    How often do you charge your smartphone?

    UMIDIGI S3 Pro! They boast some pretty ridiculous battery life. Remembering the first day I got it and I was playing a number of games, and it only dropped to 85%(ish) over the course of a day.
  13. jakdacrowe

    Show off what you’re working on

    Gift for a friend!
  14. jakdacrowe

    How often do you charge your smartphone?

    About... Once a day. lol
  15. jakdacrowe


    Been dealing with it since January, and we uh... Recently went over 10k. Recent lockdown has been extended till 1st June.