Dream Job


VPL Veteran
Approved VPL Writer
Feb 18, 2024
England, UK
If you had the chance of a lifetime to work in your dream job, be given all the training for your dream job and be guaranteed to keep that job at the end of your training as a career, what job would you choose?

Is your choice a job that has always been your dream job?
I would like to run forums based on one or more of the following topics: general chat, drumming, general musical instrument, web development, hosting, computer art, coding, math, or science. I would run them for money as a dream job.

Another dream idea is having a high-yielding YouTube or Tik-Tok channel about math, science, or coding.
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I have always wanted to be a Navy officer. It's my dream job which I haven't given up on. It's the only job I would drop everything I'm doing for now to take up if the opportunity comes.
I have always wanted to be a data analyst or a professional ethical hacker. I won't hesitate to move on that if the opportunity comes. My dream is always staying in one large office with air condition, then with my sets of computer arranged.