Recent content by Stephen

  1. Stephen

    Whats the last movie that you watched?

    Last time I watched a movie was in the theatre. It was that new Kristen Stewart movie, "Underwater". And wow. What a good movie.
  2. Stephen

    Favorite music streaming app?

    Spotify gives you the option to download tracks and albums as well, which is great. I used to use AmazonUnlimited a fair amount until @Exabyss got a family plan for Spotify. Now I actually prefer Spotify, especially the tracks which show little tidbits on the bottom about the artists' writing...
  3. Stephen

    What are you currently listening to?

    Currently addicted to: As well as:
  4. Stephen

    Where are you from?

    I used to live in Toronto as well. I loved it. I also was raised in southern ontario in a town called Fort Erie. It shares a border with Buffalo. From Buffalo to Toronto wouldn't be a bad day trip, yeah. Good luck with all that, eh! :D
  5. Stephen

    How long have you been an artist?

    Same here as with @Misomie . I've been drawing for as long as I can remember. I started out drawing random things at first then had a strong desire to become a shoe designer and filled 3 sketchbooks full of shoe designs (even took a shoe making course). It wasn't until I met my husband and we...
  6. Stephen

    Where are you from?

    Canada, eh? 😀 It's a pretty big country, bigger than the States! Where abouts are you thinking? My husband and I live in the center of North America in Winnipeg, Canada. I'm originally from Niagara Falls and moved to Winnipeg about 5 years ago. The husband has been here in Winnipeg all his life. 😋
  7. Stephen

    What makes a pet site stand out?

    Navigation I feel is pretty important. Most pet sites I've seen have a long list of click-through links along the side. I understand that they are all there to get you somewhere specific, but this is where I feel the layout is pretty important.
  8. Stephen

    How did you find virtual pet list?

    I run the Exabyss twitter and received a retweet and a follow :P