Do You Prefer Dogs or Cats, and Why?

I can love any animal so far I can't be eaten by them. I am also a dog person because of their loyalty, playful and compassionate heart they got. Cats are also a nice fellow for me too.
I prefer both cats and dogs, as they're both great animals to have. When I was younger, I had two cats, but now I only have a dog.
My dog is my baby girl and my whole world, but I'm technically more of a cat person! I would always want one dog and one cat (you cant make me choose one or the other, I refuse) but I prefer more cats than dogs.

The funny thing is I always hear cats are independent but I'll be damned if my dog gives me more space than my cats do!
As far as my own, dogs, because she is at least quiet through the night (unless there's thunder).

My cats are noisy and playful all night, even as adults (5~ years old). I can sleep through it, but I just worry that my neighbors might hear it. However, we have pretty thick concrete floors and walls, so I don't think they get an echo, and nobody has reported sounds, so I think we're good.

But, I am a cat person for sure. They don't need your attention, but you can give it to them. Dogs need you to pay attention to them 24/7, or at least mine does.
I like them both. I was always a dog person and had always had one since I was a kid. When my dog died in 2015 I decided to get a cat from a homeless shelter, It was the best decision I did because I loved my cat and there was something about his purr that calmed me. when he died last year it was devastating and was like losing a part of my family, I still can't bring myself to get another one.