How did you find the first pet site that you’ve ever played?


Staff member
Feb 7, 2020
So, I started playing virtual pet sites at the age of 13 or 14 and Neopets was the first pet site that I joined. The sole reason that I decided to join and play Neopets was that some of my friends were already actively playing and they were talking about neopets almost everyday at school and I wanted to see what all the hype was all about.

After playing neopets for awhile, I fell in love with the concept of virtual pet sites and I wanted to see what other games were out there. So, I started searching the internet and came across a list of
Virtual Pets & Pet Games. & discovered Powerpets, subeta, marapets and Zetapets. These four pet sites were my home.

How did you find the first pet site that you’ve ever played? Did a friend refer you or did you find the pet game on a gaming directory & google?

Also, do you remember when you started playing pet games?
Hmmm my very virst Vpet that wasnt Neopets was Wajas. I honestly dont remember what I did to find it b/c I was 11 years hold when I did LOL. I probably googled it. I know that I used Apex for upvoting Wajas way back when.
My first VPS was the classic Neopets, and I remember exactly how I found it. I searched "Create a Pet", which was, of course, how you make your Neopet. My intention, however, was to find flash games where you can mix and match a bunch of animal parts to "make your own animal".

But I ended up making a Neopets account, which is still there to this day. If you're curious, my username is "Scarsula", pronounced "scar-shoo-lah", which as a kid was a dragon character I made up lol.
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My first VPS was the classic Neopets, and I remember exactly how I found it. I searched "Create a Pet", which was, of course, how you make your Neopet. My intention, however, was to find flash games where you can mix and match a bunch of animal parts to "make your own animal".

But I ended up making a Neopets account, which is still there to this day. If you're curious, my username is "Scarsula", pronounced "scar-shoo-lah", which as a kid was a dragon character I made up lol.
How old is your account on neopets now? Are you still actively playing neo?
So, I started playing pet sites in 2003-2004 and I found my first pet site that I’ve played on Virtual Pets Blog

After finding the first pet site that I’ve ever played, I found more pet games on Apex Web Gaming - Rankings - All Sites

How did you find the first pet site that you’ve ever played? Did a friend refer you or did you find the pet game on a gaming directory & google?

Also, do you remember when you started playing pet games?
For me I started Neopets September 13, 2002. My Scorchio is 6,932 days old and my Pteri is about the same age. My brother and I played it quite a bit we were younger. We kind of searched around the web for stuff to do on old dial up modems. Internet speed was not that great back then. It took a long time just to load the home page and some of the games. I got the Cheat Champion award.
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That's going waaay back lol. I believe I saw an ad for Neopets on Pojo. I saw the ad a number of times before finally clicking on it, this was still back when Neopets had only just been recently released/opened. I did have an account which would have been almost as old as Neo itself (Kitty4k). Unfortunately, I hadn't logged in for a while, and when I returned it now requested my birthday me , (being a genius) had put in a random date when creating the account. I believe it had been the correct year...or one higher or lower... but I never did get back in. Eventually that account was purged. I think possibly the following account I created has been purged by now too
For me I started Neopets September 13, 2002. My Scorchio is 6,932 days old and my Pteri is about the same age. My brother and I played it quite a bit we were younger. We kind of searched around the web for stuff to do on old dial up modems. Internet speed was not that great back then. It took a long time just to load the home page and some of the games. I got the Cheat Champion award.
The dial up(aol) internet days weren’t fun at all. What features did you like to play the most on Neopets? What pet sites did you end up playing after Neopets?
It was around 2000 that I was introduced to using pet game sites. Since then, I've not stopped playing on them and I've played on so many which some of them have shut down.
I can't remember the exact time frame but I remember it being back in the early 2000s and it was a friend I had in school that introduced me to Neopets and that was when I first started playing.

Finding out that Neopets is still alive and kicking is awesome after this many years.

Has anyone been consistently playing from the first day they joined? Most people I know stopped for a while or never went back.
I can't remember the exact time frame but I remember it being back in the early 2000s and it was a friend I had in school that introduced me to Neopets and that was when I first started playing.

Finding out that Neopets is still alive and kicking is awesome after this many years.

Has anyone been consistently playing from the first day they joined? Most people I know stopped for a while or never went back.
What made Neopets so good is that they have a good plan of what they want their pet site to be and they're always looking at making the game worth-while for gamers to put time in it. It's why they are still up today.
My brother and his friend are good game players. They doesn't miss any updates or games that came newly. It was from them that I heard about Neopets. They allowed me to join them to play the game, that's how I started to check on my own about other pet sites.
It was Marapets but through a friend's social media post. They where sharing the screenshot of their pet, and it looked so cool to me. I joined Marapets and since then, I loved the customization options and community.
It was Marapets but through a friend's social media post. They where sharing the screenshot of their pet, and it looked so cool to me. I joined Marapets and since then, I loved the customization options and community.
Social media can be a great way to discover new games. I've also found some pet sites through YouTube videos and online forums like VPL too.