A website's ability to make money from advertisements is an excellent thing, but it's essential to balance monetization with user experience. Overwhelming users with advertisements might be damaging to their experience as a whole. For instance, persistent pop-up advertisements may severely hamper gameplay and make browsing unpleasant. Excessive advertising can also make sites load slowly, which can irritate users and possibly drive them away from the website completely.
Do you offer a paid subscription to remove the ads? I think there would be some people willing to remove ads and it could potentially bring in more revenue than it would from running ads on your pet site.I agree with you. When the ads are too many on a virtual pet site, it will end up not being great for a user. As an owner, I will always seek balance as that is the best way to have visitors come back another time.
Do you offer a paid subscription to remove the ads? I think there would be some people willing to remove ads and it could potentially bring in more revenue than it would from running ads on your pet site.
I think you will get many people to sign up If the price is reasonable because most people hate ads.This is the plan for the next month. Having that subscription plan that can remove ads for those willing to login would be great.
I hate to admit it, but I run AdBlock on everything, and I leave if they block adblock and want you to remove itLike with any site, you don't want to drown it in ads or people will leave or just use ad blocker to remove them.