How much water do you drink on a daily basis?

Do you like to drink water? If yes, how much water do you usually drink on a daily basis?
I don't really monitor my water intake, but it has to be a lot. Every time I get up from the computer, I am usually drinking a glass of room temperature water.
I try to drink at least a gallon or two on a daily basis because I work outside and I sometimes sweat a lot.
I live and work inside, where I typically keep the house open, with the temperatures outside reaching the high 80s to 90s, with that heat draft and humidity coming in. I just see it as a free sauna/steam room.

Though, sometimes it gets too hot and I'll run AC.

That doesn't stop me from a light sweat though as I might (undiagnosed) have hyperhidrosis (sweating a lot naturally, despite the temperature) as I run a higher than normal body temperature. Because of that, I still frequently drink water so I don't get dehydrated.
I’m with you on the gallon goal, especially if you’re sweating a lot.
Just make sure that you have electrolytes too. Water can be a killer. A gallon, probably not. Though, you might consume it too fast and it could make you sick.

I have salt/sports candy chewables that I'll take after a couple of cups of water to keep balanced.
I have a habit of drinking too much water. I know that a person should drink 2 liters of water every day, but I drink almost 3 liters of water every day. Can I have any physical problem with this?
I make sure to keep track of my water consumption on a daily basis and It's been really helpful. I also kick start my day by drinking a whole glass of water as soon as I get up.
Seeing this thread pop up reminded me to intake a 10oz glass of water. *GULP*


Perhaps this can be a "drinking game" to remember to stay hydrated. Every time you see it pop up to the top, you drink some water. 😛